Frequently Asked Questions on Deposit
What if I deposit at the wrong address?
Assets will be directly credited to the recipient address once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain network. If you deposit into an outsider wallet address, or deposit into via wrong network, Bitunix will be unable to provide any further assistance.
Funds are not credited after deposit, what should I do?
There are 3 steps a blockchain transaction must go through: request - validation - funds credited ① Request: if the withdrawal status on the sending side says "completed" or "succeeded", it means the transaction has been processed, and is sent to blockchain network for validation. However, it doesn't mean that the funds have successfully been credited to your wallet on Bitunix. ② Validation: It takes time for the blockchain to validate each transaction. The funds will only be sent to the recipient platform after the token's required confirmations are reached. Please patiently wait for the process. ③ Funds credited: Only when the blockchain validates the transaction and the required minimum confirmations are reached, will the funds arrive at the recipient address.
Forgot to fill in a tag or a memo
When withdrawing currencies like XRP and EOS, users must fill in a tag or memo in addition to the recipient address. If the tag or memo is missing or incorrect, the currencies may be withdrawn but will probably not arrive at the recipient address. In this case, you need to submit a ticket, a correct tag or memo, TXID in text format, and screenshots of the transaction on the sender platform. When the provided information is verified, the funds will be manually credited to your account.
Deposit a token that's unsupported on BitunixIf you have deposited unsupported tokens on Bitunix, please submit a request and provide the following information: Your Bitunix account email and UIDToken nameDeposit amountCorresponding TxIDThe wallet address you deposit to
Forgot to enter a tag or memo
Tokens such as XRP or EOS will require a tag or memo in addition to the recipient address. If users forget to enter a tag or memo, the tokens deposited will not be credited. Please submit a request by providing your account UID, the correct memo for deposit, TxID, screenshot of the transaction. The tokens will be credited once Bitunix verifies the transaction.