1. Wrong withdrawal address
If the address rules are met, but the address is wrong (someone else's address or a non-existent address), the withdrawal record will show "Completed". The withdrawn assets will be credited to the corresponding wallet in the withdrawal address. Due to the irreversibility of blockchain, we cannot help you to retrieve the assets after successful withdrawal, and you need to contact the address recipient to negotiate.
2. What's the withdrawal limit to my account?
For the security of your assets, Bitunix has set different withdrawal limits based on the security level and KYC verification level of your account. For accounts with only one security item (e.g., email, phone number, or Google Authenticator), the daily withdrawal limit is $10,000 USD equivalent in tokens. The withdrawal limit can be increased by setting a security item on the account to increase the security level, or completing KYC verification
3. My funds are not arriving
There are 3 steps a blockchain transaction must go through: request - validation - funds received.
① Request: If your withdrawal status says "Withdrawal completed" or "Block has been confirmed", it means the transaction has been processed by Bitunix and is now sent to blockchain network for validation.
② Validation: Copy the TxID of the transaction and use it to track the transaction on the blockchain explorer.
③ Fund Received: If a blockchain tells you the funds have not arrived, then please wait patiently for the network to validate the transaction. If it says the funds have arrived, but you still do not see any records of the funds, please contact the recipient platform for assistance.
4. How to withdraw tokens that are delisted?
Usually, Bitunix will make an announcement about delisting certain tokens. Even after delisting, Bitunix will still provide withdrawal service for a certain amount of time, usually 3 months. Please submit a request if you are trying to withdraw such tokens after the withdrawal service has ended.
5. The withdrawn tokens are not supported by the recipient's platform
Bitunix only confirms whether the address format is correct, but cannot guarantee whether the recipient's address supports the withdrawn currency. For solutions, you need to communicate with the recipient's platform. If the recipient's platform has agreed to return the funds, you can provide them with your Bitunix deposit address.
If they only agree to return the funds to the sender address, in which case the funds cannot be transferred directly to your Bitunix account, please contact the recipient to request the TxID of the transaction. Then submit a request on Bitunix with TxID, the communication record of you and the recipient's platform, your Bitunix UID and your deposit address. Bitunix will help you transfer the funds into your account. If the recipient's platform has other solutions which require our assistance, please submit a request or start a live chat with our customer service to inform us of the matter.
6. Why Is My Withdraw-able Amount Less Than My Actual Balance
There are usually 2 conditions where your withdraw-able amount will be less than your actual balance:
A. Unexecuted orders on the market: Assuming you have 10 ETH in your wallet, while you also have 1 ETH for the sell order on the market. In this case, there will be 1 ETH frozen, making it unavailable for withdrawal.
B. Insufficient confirmations for your deposit: Please check if there are any deposits, pending for more confirmations to reach the requirement on Bitunix, for these deposits need enough required confirmations so that the withdraw-able amount can match its actual balance.
7. Forgot to Enter Memo or Tag
Tokens like XRP and EOS require users to fill in a tag or a memo. If the tag or memo is blank, the token may be withdrawn but will probably not arrive at the recipient's address. In this case, the user must confirm the status of the transaction at the recipient’s platform.